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Sunday, January 27, 2013

a few pics

Waiting  at government office for finalizing our documents!   This was a GREAT day!!!!
Spending the day at a family game center in a nearby city.
We  went  there to celebrate FINALLY having our documents processed!

OLD PIC>>>Christmas Eve....preparing for our dinner with friends.

New friends.............

learning a new song .......

absolute favorite past time with the guys.....we call it 'Business is Business'

Daniel's two favorite people.....finally two men that understand him!

This little girl runs around saying..."I love Oleg"  and  "Throw me again!"
We hope to have a family update letter coming soon....
we are just sending pics now since our time is private and precious!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our First Visit to an Orphanage

We finally had an opportunity to visit a nearby orphanage.  
It turned out to be a good day with many positive moments.

After the presentation, we all played with the kids.
Interacting was what we were looking forward to more than anything.

While J.  and I did face painting, K. and Em. helped with crafts .
Everyone made friends.

One highlight was that O and V were agreeable about going with us to visit the children.   They even went to the market with me to help purchase the goodies (oranges, cookies, candy, drink, etc.) to bring to the orphanage.   They told me all the things that I should bring.   I thought I would get soda as a treat and V said, "No! No. Juice."  : - )

The other bigger highlight was the reunion of our new friends with  Pastor V.      
Pastor V. has know O. 'forever'.  Apparently this was the first time they have seen each other in two years.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ukrainian Christmas Eve....we spend a lot of time cooking together and laughing!

Christmas morning....the kids exchanged a Pollyanna....Vova picked Mallorie's name.....her expression speaks for itself.

Good thing Karissa insisted on bringing her snow created many memories!  
 I  wish  I could send you the video of some of the sledding.

Merry Ukrainian Christmas!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Who threw the first ball?
We have some guests staying with us during the school break.
These pics were taken on Sunday in the church yard after  the service.
Everyone was involved.  Even Pastor A. threw one or two snowballs!
(Lots of fun and laughter!!!)

The school our visitors attend is a cooking school.
We all decided to make a
traditional Ukrainian New Year's Eve dinner.
It was a fun day in the kitchen.
These kids can cook!

Happy New Year!